Vote Absentee

In our current world of Stay Safe, Stay Homeour civic duty of voting has become hazardous to our health for many. The Absentee Ballot can be an alternative to our on site, precinct voting. Visit the OK Voter Portal to request an absentee ballot on-line for each election in a one year period. You’ll receive a ballot and an affidavit in the mail prior to each scheduled election date.

The next elections for 2020 are June 30, August 25, and November 3. You must request your absentee ballot by June 2 for the June 30 election and the remaining elections of  2020 through 2021. The June 30 election selects district primaries and state question 802 which determines Oklahoma’s Medicaid expansion. The remaining absentee ballot deadline requests are August 19 and October 28.