Green Sanctuary
Hope Unitarian Church is an accredited Green Sanctuary through the UUA Green Sanctuary Program. Our passion for environmental justice includes the forest surrounding the church on its hill. Issues through out our community and state matter deeply to us.
Priorities for the program include environmental education for all ages, reducing church energy and maintenance costs and to advance awareness of how Hope Church can be an example of a religious community that has a commitment to environmental sustainability.
The congregation takes part in many ways, including:
1. Building awareness of the significance to the church and to the surrounding community of cost savings and recycling opportunities and the importance to the environment of a Green Sanctuary Church program.
2. Encouraging lifestyle changes at home.
3. Advocating energy conservation and environmental sustainability in the community by publicizing what the church has done, providing cost savings reports, and showcasing examples of building and grounds best practices.
“An authentic life is the most personal form of worship. Everyday life has become my prayer”
~ Sarah Ban Breathnach