September 2
Wisdom of the World’s Religions
The Rev. Cathey Edwards
Our Unitarian Universalist tradition recognizes six major sources of spiritual wisdom. We explore this sixth and final source in the ethical and spiritual wisdom of the world’s religions. It is a challenge to do justice to this expansive acceptance of the major religious traditions. How do we sort through the contradictions? Are there any ideas we cannot accept?
September 9
Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters: Homecoming & Water Communion
The Rev. Cathey Edwards
With a wonderful mix of music and ritual, we will gather together as a community to celebrate our ingathering for a new church year. We pour together waters from home and from afar in our annual water communion ceremony. You are invited to bring any water you have. During the service we pour all or part of the water you’ve brought. As always, we will have “proxy water” on hand.
September 16
Building Beloved Community: 2000s at Hope Unitarian Church
The Rev. Cathey Edwards
As we continue exploring Hope’s history decade by decade in this 50th year of the church’s life, we look at the new millennium. In the early 2000s the church was active in music, city life, and honoring all who passed. The church was busy building Beloved Community.
September 23
Curating Community Now
Yadenee Hailu
Beloved Community is a popular goal, but what is less clear is how we will get there—or when we know we’ve created it. We will explore how our idea of Beloved Community informs our path, daily actions, and every intention. Whether for society, Hope Church, family, or within our own village of friends, we’re often wondering how to curate Beloved Community.
September 30
Dwell in the Harvest
The Rev. Cathey Edwards
This time of year is the intersection of the autumn equinox, harvest festivals, and the Jewish tradition of Sukkot. These celebrations honor Beloved Community while strengthening the resolve and commitment of individuals. We explore this paradox of community.