This is the letter that went out to the congregation on Wednesday, Jan. 23.
Dearest Hope Congregation –
I am ending my parish ministry at Hope Unitarian Church this summer before August 1, 2019. This decision is a difficult one for me. I let the Board of Trustees know last night at their regular meeting. I had informed Cate earlier this month.
Let me be very clear. I am sad to depart. I love Hope deeply, each one of you. You are wonderful to work with. I am not planning my exit because of any upset, quite the contrary. I am leaving to slow down my ministry and focus it. I am leaving while my energies are high so I can depart thoughtfully and in concert with the best needs of the church.
There are clear steps for succession and the board is already working on creating a transition team. They are also working with our Unitarian Universalist Association to make this change a positive and productive one. I am certain you will support them. It can truly be energizing working together to dreams of next steps.
The church needs you to continue sharing your time, talents and treasures. The core of this church remains as it has for 50+ years.
Thank you so much for six dynamic years at Hope. My door remains open. (Ok, it’s best to call first). I look forward to working together in the next few months.
With deep love and respect,
Rev. Cathey Edwards (she, her, hers)