If you would like to put some money in the “Virtual Collection Plate,” there are a couple of ways to do it.
You can always mail a check to us: Hope Unitarian Church, 8432 S. Sheridan Road, Tulsa, OK 74133. Write “generosity” in the memo line so we know what it’s for.
You can also donate online here: https://www.hopeuu.org/ Generosity
Fill in the amount you’d like to donate, then click on the very small triangle under “Fund” to choose “Generosity” from the choices. Then complete the rest of the form like any other online form.
Our Generosity Recipient for May is Meals on Wheels (MOWS). MOWS delivers nutritious meals, does wellness checks and provides caring contact to elderly, disabled and homebound individuals in Tulsa and surrounding areas.
Many more seniors and other groups are now in need of emergency meals due to the COVID-19 crisis. According to the Tulsa World MOWS has tripled its clientele since Tulsa County confirmed its first coronavirus case.
MOWS is helping many more seniors sheltering in place, as well as families and individuals quarantined by positive coronavirus tests, first responders adversely affected by the disease and immigrants. Immigrant families are also being hit hard by this crisis. MOWS recently began dropping off bulk deliveries to churches in east Tulsa to aid Tulsa’s Hispanic community.
MOWS is using paid drivers to deliver a week’s worth of frozen or shelf stable meals. Their volunteers now perform wellness checks and offer conversation over the phone, rather than making the deliveries and doing wellness checks in person.